Customised Treatment Plans

Everybody is unique and results may vary. We advise you to take advantage of a free consultation with one of our specialists who will choose a personalised treatment plan most suitable for you. During this detailed consultation with an experienced body contouring practitioner, we will analyse your unique body features and recommend a customised treatment plan that gives you excellent, tailored results.

This treatment option is useful for treating chronic pain, muscle wasting, musculoskeletal injuries, and nerve pain by using targeted and controlled electrical stimulation.

Advanced Slimming Procedures

  • Liposculpture (Weight Loss, Inch Loss & Figure Correction)
  • Body Contouring (Inch Loss)
  • TriLipo High Intensity RF-Advanced Ultrasound Therapy


The Infrared Vacuum Roller combines four different technologies including I (infrared), Bi-Polar RF (radio-frequency) and mechanical tissue manipulation using pulsed vacuum and massage rollers. The combination of the IR and vacuum coupled RF technologies causes deep heating of the connective tissue including the fibrous septae which in turn promotes an increase in collagen depositing and local cellular metabolism resulting in a localized reduction in skin laxity and volume. The additional mechanical tissue manipulation causes an immediate increase in circulation and lymphatic drainage, both essential components for healthy skin structure.

TriLipo High Intensity RF-Advanced Ultrasound Therapy

High Intensity RF using the Pollogen Legend is a new technology that combines 3rd generation RF with dynamic muscle activation to target the fat deposit causing a dimpled appearance. The treatments reduce the size of the fat cells in the target area and strengthen & regenerate the collagen fibres. The reduction in the volume of the fat cells causes the skin to go back to its initial form, while the strengthened collagen fibres ensure that the skin has the elasticity it requires. The result a smoother feel and look.

Advanced Ultrasound Therapy is a non-invasive, sound based therapy. Advanced Ultrasound Therapy treatments use a type of sound wave called ultrasonic – a high energy, low frequency sound wave which is mostly unhearable by humans. When fat cells are exposed to ultrasonic energy of the right frequency, they become energised with heat and vibration ultimately absorbing enough energy to cause their destruction. Once fat cells expire your body is able to naturally flush them away using lymphatic drainage.

Optimum and good results are most commonly seen after 6 to 8 sessions. Up to 12 sessions may be used for best results.


Fat Reduction with Ultrasound can remove centimeters of fat from your body, tighten skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Because it is a non-invasive procedure, Fat Reduction with Ultrasound leaves no scarring, uses no knives and is a relatively painless procedure.


Body contouring Aims to reshape an area of the body helps shape the body have an address specific areas where weight loss isn’t effective or after significant weight loss results in extra skin. The treatment of body contouring allows you to safely achieve a more shapely toned body in multiple sessions.

Body Contouring can eliminate fat shape areas of the body and tighten Skin.


Body contouring uses ultrasound cavitation and laser lipo to target fat cells while combining laser energy to penetrate the fat cell membranes this will help fat cells release fatty acids glycerol and water into your body allowing fat cells to shrink resulting in loss of inches the body then flashes out the fat stores through the lymphatic system or through energy burnt doing daily activities.

Treated areas

  • Arms
  • Back
  • Belly
  • Neck and chin
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

Treatment Duration

Depends on the area being treated and level of difficulty Each session is about an hour and we advise clients to go for around 5 to 10 sessions overall once a week for maximum results.


Non invasive Cellulite and fat treatment

Skin tightening

Body firming and contouring

Promotes blood circulation and lymphatic drainage

Inhibits formation of localised fat

Improves and reduces the appearance of Cellulite.

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