Laser hair removal technology is safe enough to be used on any part of the body and target different skin types while ensuring maximum results Unlike other hair removal options like waxing, or at home devices that are painful and time-consuming, our laser hair removal is fast, safe, painless, cost-effective, reliable, and produces the best results.

Our experienced laser therapist’s will take your skin and hair type into account before creating a personalised treatment plan

Treatment Theory

The effective penetration depth of an 808 nm diode laser can reach the target issue, the dermal papilla. The target's appropriate pulse duration causes sufficient heat damage, and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue, and the normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage to ensure the safety of the treatment Under the conditions of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75 °C, but the hair follicles and growth stem cells were deprived of their growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles. A powerful upgrade or more secure, fast, painless, and efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follicle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair and causes natural hair shedding to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, and make the skin tight and smooth at the same time.

Treatment range

Suitable for a variety of skin types of unwanted hair removal.

Pre Treatment advice

It is important that you avoid the following within a 30-60days period prior to treatment.

Do NOT sunbathe or use the sunbed.

Avoid all self-tanning products For 7days prior to the treatment.

Do NOT Have electrolysis or, Do NOT wax.

Do not bleach, Do Not use depilatory creams.

Do NOT use anti-inflammatory medication ( including Aspirin and ibuprofen).

NOTE: Please refrain from smoking 4hours before treatmen.

Advantages of Laser

More safety

No harm to skin no side effect.

No hair follicle inflammation and skin inflamed after the operation no damage to the pores and effects perspiration.

More quickly

Short hair removal time body parts treatment time within 20 minutes short recovery period.

More effective

Directly destroying the hair dermal removing the hair from the foundation leading the hair no longer to grow immediate effect solving a problem one thing for all

More functional

Freezing hair removal not only has the effect of hair removal but also tightening skin whitening isolating string course another effects

Post Treatment

Apply clinic-prescribed topical soothing skin care products a minimum of 3 times per day for the first 3 days or until any redness has disappeared. This will ensure that the excess heat from the laser is drawn out of the skin.

Must use clinic prescribed physical sunblock (SPF 30+) at all times throughout the course of treatment. Direct sun exposure to the treated area without SPF30+ protection will increase the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Ideally, use a clinic-prescribed exfoliation wash. This will ensure that the hairs are encouraged to expel from the follicle, allowing them to fall out without becoming ingrown.

After the axillae (underarms) are treated, you may wish to use a powder instead of a deodorant for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce skin irritation.

Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation). Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin.

Do not use any other hair removal treatment products or similar treatments (waxing, electrolysis, or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicles in the treatment area for 4-6 weeks after the laser treatment is performed. Shaving may be used.

No pools, spas, or saunas; no exercise for at least 24 hours. Chlorine and bacteria can be found in these activities or places, and with the hair follicle being swollen for the hair removal treatment, this can irritate the skin.

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